コネクテッドカー・セキュリティ セミナー



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衆議院議員 自民党IT戦略特命委員長 平井卓也氏ならびにイスラエル大使館 経済部 Noa Asher経済公使をお招きし、ご挨拶をいただきます。また、基調講演として、経済産業省大臣官房審議官 前田泰宏氏にコネクテッドカーの今後の展望とセキュリティの重要性についてご講演いただきますほか、コネクテッドカーのセキュリティの要ともいえるECU(電子制御装置)に求められるセキュリティ要件、プリベンションの重要性についてご説明します。さらに実際にECUへのハッキングを行い、いかに防ぐかをご紹介するデモンストレーションの実施を予定しております。

セミナー名 コネクテッドカー・セキュリティ セミナー
開催日時 2017年7月3日(月) 13:00~16:35(予定)   [受付開始 12:30]
会場 東京ステーションコンファレンス 5F サピアホール
受講対象 自動車および車載システム関連企業の方および、関連ビジネスに携わる方々
参加費 無料
定員 200名
主催 株式会社アズジェント Karamba Security, Inc. SCSK株式会社 
後援 イスラエル大使館 経済部
申込方法 定員に達したため、申込みを締め切りました。


受付開始 12:00

『 ご挨拶 』

イスラエル大使館 経済部 経済公使 経済貿易ミッション代表 Noa Asher

『 オープニングスピーチ 』

衆議院議員 自民党IT戦略特命委員長 平井 卓也


『 基調講演:我が国のコネクテッドカーの展望と、セキュリティの重要性 』

経済産業省大臣官房審議官(商務情報政策局担当) 前田 泰宏

1988年東京大学法学部を卒業後、通商産業省(現 経済産業省)に入省。
大臣官房総務課 課長補佐、機械情報産業局電子政策課 課長補佐、商務情報政策局情報政策課 課長補佐、製造産業局 政策企画官、商務情報政策局情報経済課長、内閣府特命担当大臣(行政刷新)公務員制度改革担当大臣参事官、内閣官房長官秘書官、商務情報政策局サービス政策課長、製造産業局自動車課長、大臣官房政策評価広報課長などを経て、2015年7月より現職。

『 車載ECUのセキュリティ対策 』

SCSK株式会社 車載システム事業本部 QINeS先進開発部 R&D課 阿部 功二


『 Karamba´s Autonomous Security, Cyber Prevention 』

Karamba Security    Chairman and Co-Founder   David Barzilai

『 Karamba Autonomous Security対応SOC 』

株式会社アズジェント   セキュリティサービス部長 佐古 純一

『 レッドチームサービスのご紹介 』

『 Carwallの提供方法に関して 』

株式会社アズジェント   代表取締役社長 杉本隆洋

Karamba Security    Chairman and Co-Founder   David Barzilai

『 デモンストレーション:アタックと防御 』

Karamba Security    VP R&D and Co-Founder   Tal Ben-David







As automated driving evolves and spreads, cybersecurity is an increasingly important matter of concern, as it directly affects consumers’ safety. Cars are on a trajectory of increased connectivity. Whether incorporating a SIM card as a default, V2V and V2X connectivity, and autonomous driving modules, which are scheduled to hit the road in 2020.
Such increased connectivity also increases the risk of cyberattacks, which put consumer safety at risk. As the US former Assistant Attorney General said: “Cyber security for connected and autonomous cars is becoming a critical subject that must be addressed in order to ensure consumer safety and consumers’ trust in the new technologies. Traditional network security solutions can detect of attacks but are not trusted to prevent attacks as they are exposed to false alarms (aka “false positives”), which may risk consumers’ safety.”
Karamba Security, Asgent and Sumitomo’s SCSK, are honored to invite you to attend a seminar and a presentation of a new category of security products – Autonomous Security, which was designed to prevent cyberattacks on connected cars with zero false positives and with negligible performance impact. Carwall, Karamba’s Autonomous Security product, is now adopted and tested by 16 cars OEMs and tier01 providers. It has the won Frost & Sullivan’s Most Innovative Product for the Car Industry award in 2017.
Chris Inglis former deputy chief of the US National Security Agency (NSA) was quoted recently, saying: "Car security must be centered on consumer safety, not data security.” “Automotive cybersecurity requires stopping the attack before the hacker succeeds to infiltrate the car. Karamba Security’s software turns the tables on attackers, seizing the initiative on the front end of an attack cycle in a reliable, deterministic way - to safeguard people’s lives as much or more as the systems they use.”
In this seminar, both the future outlook of connected cars, and the importance and methodology of security measures focusing on ECU (Electronic Control Units) will be explained. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Infrastructure, Deputy Director-General, Commerce and Information Policy Bureau, Mr. Yasuhiro Maeda will a keynote speech on the future outlook for connected cars and the importance of security, and talks will also be given explaining security requirements for the ECU, the keystone in connected car security, and the importance of prevention. Also, House of Representatives member and Chairman, LDP Special Mission Committee on IT Strategy, Mr. Takuya Hirai, as well as Embassy of Israel Economic Department, Minister, Ms. Noa Asher, will be invited to give introductory and opening addresses. A demonstration is also planned to show an ECU actually being hacked, and how this can be prevented.

Title Connected Car Security Seminar
Date/Time July 3 (Monday) 13:00-16:35 (Doors open 12:30~ )
Venue Tokyo Station Conference 5F Sapia Hall
(Sapia Tower, Marunouchi 1-7-12, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) (MAP
Charge Free of charge
Hosts Asgent, Inc., Karamba Security, SCSK Corporation      (ABC)
Backer Embassy of Israel, Economic Department


Introductory Address

Embassy of Israel, Economic Department, Minister Ms. Noa Asher

Opening Speech

House of Representatives member and Chairman,
LDP Special Mission Committee on IT Strategy
Mr. Takuya Hirai

Keynote: Outlook on Connected Cars in Japan, and the Importance of Security

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Infrastructure,
Deputy Director-General, Commerce and Information Policy Bureau
Mr. Yasuhiro Maeda

In-Vehicle ECU Security Measures

SCSK Corporation,
R&D Section, QINeS Advanced Technology Development Dept.,
Automotive Systems Business Div.
Mr. Kouji Abe


Karamba´s Autonomous Security, Cyber Prevention

Karamba Security    Chairman and Co-Founder   Mr. David Barzilai

Karamba Autonomous Security SOC

Asgent, Inc.    Security Service Dept. General Manager    Mr. Junichi Sako

Introduction to the Red Team Service

Regarding How Carwall is Provided

Karamba Security    Chairman and Co-Founder   Mr. David Barzilai

Asgent, Inc.    C.E.O    Mr. Takahiro Sugimoto

Demonstration: Attack and Defense

Karamba Security    VP R&D and Co-Founder   Mr. Tal Ben-David


To non-Japanese speakers:
Pre-registration for the seminar is now closed, due to full capacity. We would like to thank all those who pre-registered for your interest. Confirmation e-mails will be sent presently.